On October 16th

I found that there is infact a tale about huminoid beings, described much like my "Fishman".

I found synopsis for the "Sirius Mystery", by Robert Temple.

The Fishman, and His Fishiness :)

The "Sirians" are an amphibious race, which cannot survive out of water. This is why they have a fishy face. They are adapt to their watery environment. As the story goes, the star Sirius B imploded, causing the race to have to seek a new home, which spawned, "The Etherial Sirians", which are in Ethric state; which brings me to the whole deal about the Whale.

From an essay called, "Sirius The Dog Star"
(1.) "The Nommos are a race of Beings that takes the physical forms of dolphins, whales..."

"Their homeworld is a planet in the Sirius star system that is mostly warm aqua-blue water. Many of the Nommos walk upright."

Gathering this is not to imply an ultimate conclusion with regards to who the Fishman was, but it can offer one angle of perspective.

In my previous attempt to understand what the "whale's alter-ego" part was all about, (in which I saw the fish man standing in a room that was built inside of the whale, and I told someone next to me, "He's the whales alter-ego. He's part of the whale"), I postulated that it must mean they are "one-in-the-same", and two separate parts of a single entity, or something to that effect. Well, I was sort of right, according to the articles I uncovered last night, because as the story goes, the Sirians in etheric state have taken on the physical form of whales.

I actually read it that night with my hand over my mouth, the entire time.

(1.)"Sirius The Dog Star", Dee Finney, 2005http://www.greatdreams.com/dogstar.htm

The Possibility of Being Part of The Montauk Project

An excerpt from my Journal Section, (oct. 24th):

I think the dream was partly a government experiment. That brass control board inside the whale matches the era of the building that I ran out from when the fire demons were chasing me. When I was describing the building to Ryan, I thought of the Montauk Project and then I went to youtube it.

I watched some footage of Duncun Cameron, and his telling of the Gov. schooling him in the esoteric arts, from a young age. That there was help from ET's with the technology, and that they used him to navigate through time & space to infiltrate certain, "special interest groups" of people all throughout the future, up to the year 6037.

Now, some reason when I look back on my dream I can't stop replacing Cameron's face for the Fisherman in my dream who cut out the Whales Emotions for me. And then I thought, well that city was New York. But it wasn't the New York of today.

I asked Ryan if I in fact told him that it looked like "an old American city, like Brooklyn or something"?

He said, "Yeah you said Brooklyn when you woke up."

But on the 10th when I wrote it down those particular details were hazy.

The old brass switch boards did match the era of the old hospital building that I came out of when I ran from the fire demons. Both turn of the centruy, up to maybe the 20's. The lamps were also brassy, but more oxiganized, and tattered. The window that I climbed out of was one of those old style windows that you need to crank in order for it to just crack from the bottom pane, and only allow about a foot actual opening. I had to squeeze through that window to climb out of it.

It was regular dreamtime, but usually in normal dreamtime you don't come away with a memory you can litterally match details of architetcure to. I know the floor plan of this place too. So my question is now weather this was actually Brookhaven, Long Island? (not brooklyn as thought?) Where the actual Montauk Project took place? And was I in the 1940's?

It was my Uncle Dennis a couple days ago who reminded me to remember that there is no real context of time, in dreams. One can be pulled from any time.

David Wilcock and DNA Imprinting With Human Emotion and Zero Point

2:01am, Oct. 25th (from journals)

I saw something that helped me so much. It's a series of videos from Youtube: Project Camelot Interviews David Wilcock. I am learning a great deal from David Wilcock. His knowledge has seemed to be another missing key, that has helped me unlock a great deal of mystery.

As seen in the David Wilcock video:
Appearently, one Dr. Rein understands how to imprint DNA through the use of human emotion. He found that if someone were to hold a peice of placenta inside of a test tube, and a person were to squeeze that test tube inside of his/her hand, while emmiting emotion, it's DNA can be manipulated during this time, and messanger RNA can "come in and grab life". So, if someone were to be pulled out of their sleep, and taken into a situation where they were forced to feel emotion, and something could die at that point in time, it can be taken back through the otherside, and used.

Another moment of his interview which I picked out as important was talk about how death creates a "Zero Point" time portal. This was the main function of sacrifice used by the Ancient Mayan culture. This is like a portal between time-space, and space-time, as Wilcock so eloquently put it.

How Dr. Rein's studies of squeezing a placenta while projecting an emotion, fits into my dream: I knew my dream was an experiment, as I was snapped into lucidity during the dream. I just didn't understand how it may have actually worked.

The Fisherman showed me the Whales Emotion's which was a sack of skin. Then they shot the whale, and I had to go inside the whale while it was dying, during the death of the whale I had to watch my friends die. (and emmit emotion) What woke me into lucidity in the middle of the dream were the screams of the voices.

The whale may have acutally been part of another time, a real whale, which they by killing, acted as a zero point to grab my DNA imprint. The placenta may have been cut out, (whales emotions) so that the DNA could be activated. I dont know what they would have wanted with it.

I believe Duncan Cameron was the fisherman. The brass control board with switches and dials matched the era of the hospital building, which I can draw a map of. Jeremy and Benny and Becca and Ryan may have been plucked from my subconcious and used as a figment. The actual souls I suspect to be present may have been: the whale, the fishman, and the fisherman. (And the two people who burned to death, maybe)
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